Don’t Rush On the Way To Destiny.


When you rush you forget things, you miss steps and important directions. You over look things thinking that you have it all figured out.

Then you end up looking to your left, and seeing that one person had already pulled up to their destination, and then you look to your right and see that another person was just turning into the lot of their destination too (when really your eyes were supposed to be straight ahead on your own path) But yet you were still driving with a ways to go before you made it to yours. It’s okay I’m guilty of it or how else could I talk about it? 

But when you take your time and listen to the voice and the steps of THE ONE who orchestrated the whole thing in the first place, you’ll get there sooner then you thought.
When you rush and try to get ahead you actually slow yourself down because now you have to go back and fix things that you missed and you show up to destiny too early and unprepared because it was the journey that was supposed to prepare you.
Or even worse, you show up to the wrong place because you didn’t stop and listen for directions.
So don’t get discouraged even if you see someone already doing what you feel you are called to. When you drive, I’m sure you see that you’re not the only person with the same color and style car of yours. You’re not the only person with it but it’s something about yours that I’m sure is different. Whether it’s the tires , the interior color, maybe you have a sticker on yours, idc if the difference is the license plate number. It’s something different.
And the Word says that the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. So even if you’re in the same field, that field needs more then one laborer okay and you’re going to reach different people in the way that God has called YOU to do it. So don’t rush be okay with following God’s timeline and setting your own to the side. And actually enjoy the journey. Don’t spend the whole thing obsessing over where you’re going and when you’re going to get there. Just know that when you show up you’ll be right on time.

Ready the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32


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