My Birth Story

I gave birth to one of my life’s biggest blessings a little over a month ago. My son Judah decided to make his grand entrance into the world  three weeks early on September 4th in the early morning hours. Whatever the picture is that comes to your mind when you think of the word prepared…I was the opposite of that. No baby bag packed, no hospital bag packed for me, NOTHING. As a matter of fact, we had just moved into our new place two weeks prior so you can only imagine what it looked like as we were in a hurry to get everything together. That previous day, I had been having what I thought to be “Braxton hicks” (because they were so mild)  from the morning but then they eased up later in the day. I was still having them periodically, but I thought I was okay. I even went to the movies and out to eat with my husband that day, all the while I was in the early stages of labor. 

That following morning, I woke up at about 1 a.m. with what I would have thought to be “Braxton hicks” again had they not been coming back to back like they were. So I called my husband to get to the house so we could be on the way to the hospital and my mom in love to pick up our daughter. My husband only works 5 minutes away so he was there almost as soon as I hung up the phone and when he got there he was rushing. I, on the other hand, was taking my time because once again, the pain level was there but not that bad! I thought I had time y’all. He was running around, grabbing everything, rushing me and driving super fast once we got in the car , even though I told him to slowww down before the baby really come out. But thank God he didn’t slow down because once we got to the hospital which was 30 minutes away, the doctors checked me and told me I was dilated to a 9… A 9!!!! Can you imagine my face? First thing I asked for was an epidural because I do not mind having an epidural AT ALL. As a matter of fact I preferred it! That’s the way I planned it in MY head. They told me that I was so close to having the baby, I would probably have the baby before the epidural even kicked in.. basically telling me not to get it. 

I felt so many emotions at this time. I was afraid and excited all at the same time. Yes, I had given birth before, but never like this. With Genesis, I had time , we arrived at the hospital ahead of time and I was able to get an epidural. With Genesis, I did not feel pain during active labor, I only felt pressure because of the epidural, but this time I would FEEL IT ALL. I had given birth before but NEVER LIKE THIS. Needless to say, I didn’t not get the epidural and the time came to push. My water had not yet broken up until that point. Once I started to push, my water broke and the pain intensified! I felt the urge to push but I was also a little hesitant at first because of the pain. The thought of pushing through the pain I felt made me second guess. But we know you have to push with the contraction and through the pain in order for the baby to come out. THAT’S A WHOLE WORD , in case you didn’t catch it.

 I was pushing but not how I needed to. It was something about when the baby head started to crown. When that pain hit I said OH NO.. THIS BABY HAS TO COME OUT NOWWW.  Though I felt the pain, I knew the pain would only stop once the baby was out so I pushed with everything in me and in two more big pushes, Judah had entered into the world. I held and saw my son for the first time face to face. It was emotional. I sat there for a good 20 minutes after that in disbelief that I had really just pushed that baby out with no medication of no kind. The doctors did what they do, my husband did what he does and I watched as he stood with the biggest smile on his face as he finally got to hold his son. But I was still sitting there in complete shock. Nevertheless my son had made it into the world safely and I was both relieved and happy.

 “For when a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.” John 16:21

I shared this story with you because it was on my heart to do so and to tell you that it is time to give birth. Your birth story may not go as YOU planned but it will go according to God’s plan and your baby will come forth. Pay attention to the birth pangs and what may seem like “Braxton hicks” but they are really contractions , preparing you to give birth to what’s inside of you. You don’t have any more time to take your time! You very well could be at a 9 and closer than you think! I know you may be used to having things to ease the pain that comes with giving birth, but you have never given birth like this before. This time around , it’s mandatory that you feel everything. Don’t let that discourage you. Push through the pain. Cast down every thought that says you can’t and that rises up against the knowledge of God! Continue to bear down in prayer and push as you feel the urges and promptings of the Holy Spirit! You’ll be shocked at what God births through you and you’ll be glad He did.

If this resonates with you leave a comment down below. I pray that as you go through your birthing process, that you follow the Lord’s leading. That you have the right midwives and doctors around you. That the mouth of every naysayer be shut and that you hear and take heed to the words of the Lord. Your baby is coming fourth in God’s timing, in  Jesus name!

11 thoughts on “My Birth Story”

  1. This!!!! God, I thank you and I receive the word you have given Alesha to share! This was on point! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This was hands down beautiful and on time!!! I’m so proud of you and your journey!! Write , Write, Write, because somebody needs to hear you!!!

  3. Wow your birth story almost similar to mine, when I got there I was ready to push too! Barely made it! Lol it’s an experience! Congratulations girl! ❤️

  4. I love your birth story Im sorry I could not be there with you this story make me feel like I was I’m glad you did not have an epidural that way you get to experience what giving birth is really like you did a good job i’m so happy I finally have a boy my grandson Judah God is good enjoy they don’t stay babies long May God continue to bless you and your family ❤️ I’m so happy❤️

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